"I spent my life folded between the pages of books." -Tahereh Mafi

Some of my reviews are normal non-spoilery reviews. But some of reviews contain lots and lots of spoilers to help you (and me!) remember what happened when the next book in the series finally comes out. Both review types are clearly marked.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sleeping Tom by E.V. Fairfall

This review is spoiler free!!

My rating: 4/5 stars

Guys! This is so good!!  

This book went in a slightly different direction than I thought it would. That's good. Most YA books have become a bit too predictable these days. I thought this would be more paranormal. Either way it was great.

Caden was a bit difficult for me to identify with. She just got out of an abusive relationship and is struggling to figure out who she is and where she belongs. She has nowhere to go, which is why she ends up hitchhiking and accepting a ride and a couch to stay on from Gabriel. I could always understand Caden's underlying motivations, even when I totally disagreed with her. Beyond her abusive ex-boyfriend, Caden has no friends and an awful mother. The type of mother who told her "love isn't real." Well no wonder she's a bit messed up!!

Staying with Gabriel she encounters a mystery - he's a totally different person at night. She tries to unravel the mystery of why and how this can be. Who is he really? Is he Gabriel or Tom or both? 

In trying to unravel the mystery of Gabriel/Tom, she starts to understand the different parts of her own personality. She doesn't want to be the person she was when she was with her ex. So she tries to change herself into a bad-ass. But eventually that doesn't quite fit either. It's an interesting parallel between her situation and Gabriel's.

And the end!! Omg I cannot wait for the next book to get here!!

Also, the writing is great! 
Her body reminded him of a black hole sucking in all light and happiness, conveniently located in the passenger seat of his Saab.

Check it out on Goodreads
Buy it on Amazon 

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